Training for Employment (TFE)
TFE programs are a dedicated scheme that contribute to promoting and supporting Omanization through addressing the need of basic skills for school leavers and graduates to secure suitable employment opportunities with good prospects in the private sector. OPAL has secured employment for over 12,300 Omanis since its inception and aims to continue supporting Omanization with the blessing of the government.
Training for Development (TFD)
TFD programs are a dedicated towards improvement of Human Resources Professional. However, OPAL’s TFD Programs contribute towards raising the professionalism bar of all functions and skills across the Energy industry. TFD includes workshops and seminars on diverse relevant topics and aim at enriching capabilities.

Advisory & Consultancy Services
OPAL provides complimentary consultancy services to its members on its Human Capital Management, Human Capital Development, Labour Law, Omanization, HSE Standards and other Energy sector related business issues.

OPAL Best Practices Awards
The objective of OPAL’s Best Practice Award (BPA) is to bring the best performing members to limelight and disseminate their achievements across the industry. The event also provides the opportunity to other members to emulate their counterparts and to encourage them to compete in such proactive developments. The award covers seven different aspects such as Omanization, Health & Safety, Environment, Energy Transition, Operational Excellence, Research & Development (R&D) and Omani Products and Services.

OPAL’s Engagement Forums
OPAL organizes interactive forums between its members to address common issues in efforts to provide solutions to create an ideal business environment. In addition, engagement forums with international participation are organized where companies from abroad will be invited to provide the latest technology and open business opportunities to our members with their counterparts from different countries of the world.

Labour Market Intelligence Research
A research project on the Omani Labour Market with an emphasis on understanding and analysing the various qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Labour Market Trends and Labour Market Dynamics in the Energy and Minerals sector of the Sultanate of Oman. The trends cover distribution of the workforce, historical trends, and future demands while the labour market dynamics cover recruitment, hard-to-fill roles, skills shortage, staff retention, apprentices and graduates and finally training and development.

OPAL STAR (Standards for Training, Approval and Recognition)
The OPAL STAR was inaugurated in 2017 to drive standardization and quality into the private and public training providers who provide services to the Energy and Minerals sector. OPAL STAR supports the industry’s training providers by administering a centralized entity that drives standardization, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality. The OPAL STAR provider standard creates a level playing field for training providers and demonstrates their commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. The STAR gradings (Gold, Silver & Bronze) encourage continuous improvement amongst the providers and rewards them when they achieve these standards, raising the bar every time. These merits have established a credential that is recognized across the industry and trusted by operators and contractors.

HSE Standards
Health and Safety standards are developed with the intent of raising the performance standards required from all operators and contractors in the Energy & Minerals industry. These standards are developed by Subject Matter Experts (SME) from the industry; therefore, they are more apt to adapt within and even outside the industry wherever applicable. Available standards are Road Safety Standard, Camp Standard, Heat Stress Management Standard, DROPS Standard, Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Standard, Incident Sharing and Statistics Standard, Fitness to Work Standard, Industrial Hygiene Occupational Health Standard, Unified HSE Passport Training/Assessment Standard and Lifting Operations Management System. On a yearly basis, OPAL continues to identify new requirements for common standards and develop them for the industry benefits.
Compliance Verification Certification (CVC)
CVC is a framework that verifies the compliance of applicant members against 5 key pillars based on OPAL standards – HSE Management System, HRD Management System, Legal Requirements, Remuneration and Omanization. The certification process assesses compliance in a transparent manner and aims to level the playing field while applying a uniform code across the industry. OPAL helps member companies to be audited annually (at no cost) for compliance against the minimum industry requirements. Whilst compliance was once mandatory as per MEM’s mandate for contractors, it is now entirely voluntary for companies desiring to demonstrate compliance with the minimum standards.

The Energy and Minerals Sector Skill Unit (EMSSU)
The General Directorate of Training under the Ministry of Labour has issued a license for (OPAL) to host a first of its kind Sector Skills Unit (SSU) for the Energy and Minerals Sector in Oman. The Sector Skills Unit (SSU) is an employer-led organization that seeks to build a skills system that is driven by employer demand and provides a platform “for the industry” “by the industry” to capture the industry’s skills demand and occupational standards. The EMSSU will support OPAL’s efforts to bring standardisation and industry cooperation in skill development for the sector.

OPAL In-Vehicle Monitoring System (IVMS) Approval
A verification and approval scheme aiming at providing the Energy and Minerals industry assurance of compliance with OPAL Road Safety Standard by the providers of IVMS services. The scheme involves careful and extensive evaluation of IVMS devices as well as the quality of service and capabilities of the service providers to operate in Oman’s diverse conditions.

OPAL Defensive Driving Permit
OPAL Defensive Driving Permit has been introduced to unify the standard and level of training and assessment that drivers must pass through before being allowed to drive in O&G concession areas. OPAL Defensive Driving Permit will provide assurance of the quality of driver training as well as eliminate unnecessary costs incurred by companies for multiple trainings to meet different standards and requirements from different operating companies.

Business Promotion and Marketing
OPAL members have access to the OPAL’s Community, Events and Publications to network with other members and players from the Sultanate’s Energy and Minerals industry.

OPAL Sports Event
The annual OPAL Sports Event is a unique gathering aiming to foster sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation amongst employees (and their families) of OPAL member companies.

OPAL Cloud
“OPAL Cloud” is our recently launched product that is designed for Opal members that provides infrastructure solutions and also offers highly secure cloud services, platform as a service, industry software, disaster recovery services, backup services, IVMS, IOT and other required technology.

Business-to-business (B2B)
At OPAL, we believe in partnership, hence, we have launched this platform to enable manufacturers of raw materials to market and sell their products to members, thereby ensuring the continuity of production operation and creating business opportunities among members.

OPAL Roadworthiness Assurance Standard Inspection Center (RASIC) Approval
Roadworthiness Assurance Standard (RAS) is a standard set by the Energy and Minerals sector to ensure safety and roadworthiness of all vehicles used in the industry through a scheme of processes where vehicle examination is performed at an approved RAS Inspection centre.

OPAL VAT Help Desk Services
OPAL members can seek VAT related clarifications, resolve their doubts and get their VAT Returns reviewed by experts before submission with Tax Authority to ensure that their business is VAT compliant, therefore they can prevent themselves from any kind of penalties due to non-compliance of VAT Law.

Smart Auction Solution
A service which was shaped to provide OPAL members an advanced technology with end-to-end solutions to trade with all kinds of scrap and waste via the electronic system (www.mzadcom.om). This service will support Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.

Coaching Services
An initiative which will provide Coaching services to OPAL members by partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The service was developed in collaboration with International Coaching Federation (ICF Oman Chapter).

OPAL Unified HSE Passport
It is a recognized passport that allow employee to work in the energy and minerals sector. The unified HSE passport shall initially cover HSE induction and H2S courses and aims to provide candidates with the basic concepts of HSE, and to establish minimum competency requirements for all employees before working for the energy and minerals companies. All employees must pass through before being allowed to enter in oil and gas concession areas. The OPAL Unified HSE passport will provide assurance of the quality of HSE training as well as eliminate un-necessary costs incurred by companies for multiple trainings to meet different standards and requirements from different Operating companies.